I started writing three years ago because the voices in my head telling me to do so became too loud. I have published a poetry collection SNAPSHOT SELFIES. Currently I have a science-fiction, action series, ANGELA'S EPISTLES, that will release from February. I also have a paranormal romance, THOMPSONVILLE TRILOGY, releasing later this year. In 2020 I'll be releasing my epic fantasy series, VOICES OF THE APOCALYPSE.
What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?
The latest book I'm writing on is #6 in the science fiction series. But the latest to be released is number one in that series. ANGELA'S EPISTLES, The Gap Year. I started writing this because all the other books before it was so series and deep. I wanted something lighter. Also, I read a wonderful book I loved and it inspired me to try something similar.
Why did you choose to write in your particular field or genre?
I don't have a particular genre. My first love is horror . Always will be. This I blame on Stephen King's IT, which I read under the blankets at night, with a flashlight, when I was twelve. I also love fantasy. I'm secretly working on a South African novel in the gothic style. As a writer, I allow the story to dictate what it wants to be.
What kind of research did you do, and how long did you spend researching before beginning this book?
For ANGELA'S EPISTLES I got knee deep into research of what life would be like in 2053. Interesting things I learned. But Angela turned out to be an old school gal, like me, and have a lot of "classics" in her life. For the epics (2020 release) I spend about two months in research online and in the library for each novel because they are set in different countries. I love research. I am addicted to learning new things. I can sit in the library for hours, reading and making notes and copies to bring home.
How do you select the names of your characters?
Angels came to me in a dream one night and told me her name a few days after I started writing the story. Her voice has been talking to me for months before. Up until then I typed in MC (main character) whenever her name came up. I usually make a list of possible male and female names that would fit the genre and the setting. Then I let each character tell me which one belongs to them.
How do you like to collect and organise your ideas?
I have a flip-file for each project. Into this I place my research notes, character sheets, lists of place and people names, basic outline, maps and anything else I might need. I find it easier to have the notes next to me than to break away from the page on the screen to open a new document or another program.
How long did it take you to write this book?
ANGELA'S EPISTLES #1 and 2 were part of my NaNoWriMo 2018 (50 000 words in 30 days) project. I wrote this one in 14 days! it is a novella and was 21 000 in first draft, if I remember correctly. Now it is just under 29 000.
What's next for you as a writer?
My goal is to release as many books as possible in 2019 and 2020. I have been writing for four years, finishing novels. It is time to release them to the reading world.
Author Bio *
Rita Kruger was born in Welkom, a small town in South Africa. As a child she thought this meant the universe conspired to make her feel welcome. Most of childhood happened within the pages of books. Stories conspired to carry her away from the world she knew. The places and people books introduced her to, were much more exciting than her boring existence. Responsibilities of motherhood and being a wife buried dreams of being an artist and writer. After the divorce, Rita returned to her first dreams, joining a drawing class, and several creative writing courses. Currently married to her personal MacGyver , she surrounds herself with what enriches her body, mind and soul. Family. Friends. Nature. Great food. Good wine. Mountains of books. She writes novels challenging major themes of her live in the genres of fantasy, and horror, which she loves.
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